Thread: Newsletter poll
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Old 08-12-2012   #9
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Default Re: Newsletter poll

Originally Posted by Z Factor View Post
Hi Scott,

I believe it would be great to know also. That said, it would be incredibly difficult to gauge how accurate the figures were. Considering some only use one or the other, that alone would pose certain impediments. What further complicates the issue is a decent amount probably do not frequent either, some not at all.
I also suspect that the ones who want a hard-copy are the most likely to want to keep a newsletter, but some of them might not even use/have a computer.
This has always posed a quandary, so Dave Bright(aka Mom) chose to continue to provide as many avenues/connections to the ZR-1 community as possible.
Thank you for the reply. I recall having this same exchange with mom about 6yrs ago. And I certainly understand the difficulty in gathering the real numbers. However, as then I still feel an effort should go to this, perhaps a 3 or 4 question questionnaire that would happen at re-registration time? How can informed decisions happen otherwise? I think we all know as time goes by fewer and fewer will insist on paper only. It's just a matter of how quickly.

Imagine how simplifying the publishing of the KOTH would make things. Then the biggest difficulty would be satisfying all members and non members about some thing else.

Vett owner since 1979._It's about the car and the people
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