Thread: Bylaws
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Old 10-15-2012   #6
Join Date: Aug 2005
Location: Missouri
Posts: 144
Default Re: Bylaws

Originally Posted by Dynomite View Post
It seems to me that anyone thinking of becoming a paying member would want to know what the Bylaws are in any club.
In my 15 + years in car clubs......8 of which as some sort of and one has EVER approached me and asked for a copy of the club bylaws before joining. Most don't even take the copy out of the membership packets to review after joining.
It also seems to me if there is a current discussion regarding changes to Bylaws, that would be an interest to any and all prospective paying members.
Not true. It is the business of the PAYING MEMBERSHIP and no one outside of that. If an individual would like a say....then that person is obligated to purchase a membership like the rest of us so his/her voice can be heard on an even plane like the rest of ours!

I guess I do not know what the BIG secret is
From what I am reading there is no "big secret". This club/community for a number of years has had its problems with financial issues. Not that we have been in financial difficulties but more like it being an open cookie jar for people to abuse.......and they have.....more than once! This current board it seems are trying to set this up in a way to run more like a professional business rather than a checking acoout with no oversight.

Observing a discussion of New Bylaws might give prospective paying members an indication of the personalities involved in the club before they do pay to join as paying members. It would give prospective paying members an indication of the professionalism exhibited by current Board members and other current paying members who participate in that discussion.
Once again, there is no need for this. They are not paid members. If they would like a current copy of the bylaws I would imagine that someone on the board could provide them with that. If they have not joined by the time the vote for the new bylaws has come and gone then I am positive the current board could provide them a copy of the resulting bylaws after the fact.

Having said that, I can understand that it may not be appropriate for a non paying member or prospective member to directly participate in that discussion of New Bylaws. I guess that is the issue

Suggesting we join up as paying members without being able to see the discussion of New Bylaws and the thought process in the development of those Bylaws almost sounds like a scam

Pay now and find out later what you paid for and what you are involved with As far as I know.......there is no membership drive going on now. There is no discount for joining at this moment in time so my advice to you is wait to make up your mind till after the vote. I think there is only a week or so left to submit the votes. In a week or two you should be able to request a copy of the bylaws. Read through them......make sure you can live with them and make your decision accordingly.
Just wondering and hope this is not taken as being a Smart Aleck in any way. So please do not take it that way

I would like to observe the discussion of New Bylaws but not participate in that discussion
I would also like the see the Bylaws before I join any club as a paying member.
As a founding member of this club let me just say that all this childish jib jab is really disheartening. The Registry was started as a knowledge base for a specific car.....our cars. The friends I have made over the last 15 years of ownership of ZR-1's are invaluable to me and all the BS that's been happening of late disgusts me!

Charlie Arnold
MO State Dir
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