Thread: Corvette Museum
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Old 03-03-2014   #250
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Default Re: Corvette Museum

Originally Posted by Schrade View Post
If you're in a Linux / Unix environment, open up a command line interface, and execute <ping>

Ping response facilitates smoother dataflow, regardless of bandwidth. Think of it as oil reducing friction in a mechanical system. Or in an 'organic' system, think of Mel Tillis...

Windows ping command limits to 4 ping requests. In 'nix's, ping is interminable.

(benefits of Linux are interminable as well - free, more secure, faster, etc., ad infinitum you should see a virus trying to attack a Linux machine - funny as hell)
Originally Posted by scottfab View Post
There should be no need for multiple "ping"s. A few pings is all that is needed to be registered in the "arp" cache in each server/router along the path. Once in the arp cashe(table) it does indeed "lubricate" the flow in that the DNS lookup for the target no longer needs to be looked up. A better way is a trace route (tracert) command since on most servers the info is kept longer (timeout for data).
There are various incantations of this but the simplest is:
Then sit back and watch the path your network request takes through all them there pieces of hardware.

Another little secret is to do multiple browser requests for the address. That is if you notice a delay in getting to you target address simply resubmit the address OR "refresh" the page request. It's like punching a hole through a clogged sewer line with a snake
Doesn't mater what browser, what OS, what hardware or what day of the week it is. This works.
Ok guys I'm gonna really sound like a dumb here - but I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about
No idea what Linux or Unix is. I run Vista on a 5 yr old HP laptop. What is a "command line interface"? Or a "tracert"? Now the "multiple browser request" deal I can figure that out. Just keep hittin "refresh" on the webcam page correct?
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