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Old 08-03-2005   #28
Z Factor
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I hate this Forum, especially because of the L98 to LT5 title and the stars and the "post the most to win a prize", now we have a bunch of BS posts that takes hours to go through just to find something of value, I hate to miss on anything or reply to anyone in need but I'll have to call it quit until everyone gets their 5 stars and LT5 status or till Sept. when the contest of the most wasted post is done and over with, I almost got sucked in and started to post useless info or replies just to earn my stripes but then I realised it was a waste of my time and everybody else's.

See you in Sept. (maybe)
Have you ever heard the saying, "you don't throw the baby out with the bath water"? Several of your posts have been of a complaining nature which is fine since you are entitled to your opinion like anyone else. However, you need to try and understand that we are working hard to stimulate forum activity at the moment. A successful forum has plenty of activity. Since the forum was started several years ago, this is by far the most activity we have had. That is not to say everyone must like it, but try giving us a little understanding and go with the flow. We have almost registered several hundred more users in the past few weeks, and will naturally experience growing pains from some peoples perspective.

You are welcome to post as much or as little as you like, but as the forum grows we will make adjustments based on the members requests. So rather than leave, try staying, posting constructive suggestions, and give it a chance. You can always choose to leave at a future date if the forum is not right for you. I for one hope you stay to make it a better forum for everyone to enjoy.

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