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Old 04-08-2009   #4
WB9MCW's Avatar
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Location: McHenry, Il.
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Default Re: Who from Chicago Area is going to BG?

Have fun boyz from Illinoiz -- someday I will go but not with the economy so piss poor still gotta hang tight and work my azz off yet another year.

Such is the first five years of a new start up biz with such crappy times. Going on year 4 now and still here so this is a good thing.

I will some day make it. Proly just have to have Pete kidnap me at gun point and force me to go.

Plus no doubt the wife will be razzed unless we take her on a vacation. Have not had one of those for years now. Totally sucks the big wazoo.

I just figure when I have to go to Vegas for business conventions each year those are my "crappy vacations" since I never get any.

Oh well enough venting I signed up to be the entrepreneur so I can only look in the mirror for blame.
"The Budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome will become bankrupt. People must again learn to work instead of living on public assistance." - Cicero, 55 BC
" We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." - Abraham Lincoln
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