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Old 02-20-2006   #1
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 33
Default **ZR-1 Front Plates**

Greetings all,

As some of you know I made some plates for the front bumper of the ZR-1s a couple of years ago. These plates replaced the fatory "CORVETTE" plates with "ZR-1". I have since stopped making them. But due to the recent interest in them I have decided to run another batch of plates. I posted this information over on the CorvetteForum a couple of moths ago. The Forum Moderators and Administrators decided that they were not going to allow me to sell them on the CorvetteForum. They want me to become a supporting vendor on there and pay them to sell the plates on there. Which I can understand from their standpoint, but I am not in the business of making these things fulltime. My day job is in management. I am the Plant Manager of a production facility in Florida. This job takes up quite a bit of my time. Usually 6 days a week. I cannot afford to become a vendor and pay them a monthly fee for something I will only make a limited amount of. These plates were something I came up with when I owned my ZR-1.

So now before I even start to post details about the plates here I want to make sure that I have permission to do so. If any Moderator or Site Administrator has any issues with me doing this please let me know before I go any further. I had to purchase new molding material as the original molds are pretty much shot. I have a list of people who showed interest when I posted this information on the CorvetteForum. I will make new molds and begin production in the near future. I will post the details on how to order as soon as I get the ok from the powers that be, here on the ZR-1 Registry Forum.

Have a good day,
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