Thread: NW area status?
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Old 09-02-2010   #18
1990 415
Join Date: Feb 2009
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Posts: 309
Default Re: NW area status?

Originally Posted by A26B View Post
To put this in proper perspective, one simple question should be asked, "Why would the Executive Committee not fund a ZR-1 Registry local or regional event?" The only reason is because it wasn't properly conducted in accordance with the bylaws.

A member never stepped forward in advance of the event and said, "I will be organizing the PNW Regional event for 2010". "Can the Registry provide financial assistance and what do I need to do?"

A Registry member did ask for information, for his own personal knowledge, and did receive a prompt reply (within 12 hrs) from Ron Kreigh that the Registry would "absolutely" support the event, gave him a simple description of the requirements and complemented him for carrying the torch. No further communication occurred prior to the event.

Simply put, someone asked, was answered, and never replied with the requested information.

The event held was clearly a private event, by invitation only. There's nothing wrong with that, except the Registry shouldn't and doesn't provide support for private events. The whole purpose of supported Registry events is to keep members involved and encourage new memberships. neither of these objectives can be met by invitation only events.

The Executive Committee stand ready and willing to encourage and support all events conducted in accordance with the bylaws and the spirit of the organization. It is unfortunate that the 2010 PNW Event did not meet these standards, but it did not fail due to any fault of the Executive Committee.

The single inquiry for Registry support was promptly responded to. The decision to not reimburse the expense submitted "after" the private event occurred was proper. To do otherwise would have been a violation of the bylaws and not in the spirit of the Registry.

The Executive Committee is duty bound to act responsibly on behalf of ALL members. I would ask that ALL members reciprocate and stop propagating malicious and Registry damaging mistruths which are occurring here on this forum.

Jerry Downey
Vice president
Please clearly show the members of this registry what malicious and Registry damaging mistruths are being propagated on this forum. I have seen nothing malicious. If you view information on this registry as malicious, then you must know much more than the rest of general members. Please share.
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