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Old 11-11-2010   #1
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Bowling Green, KY
Posts: 247
Default Veterans Day JVD Style

As you all know by now, I like to write about things sometimes. :-)
Another true story....

The CHP officer approached my window and said "Out of the car!" I had passed him at over 100 mph. During his interior inspection he came up with several "interesting" items. Well, that was it. I was only 18 and had already ruined the rest of my life. I had but one chance. I went back to him as he filled out his report.

"Sir. I know you've heard every excuse in the world but I'd like to say just
one thing. I was raised better than this and this should never have
happened." With that, I returned to my car, ready for whatever.

When the officer returned he asked me a question that I didn't expect. He asked what I wanted to do when I grew up. I never thought about that, heck, I was only 18. He handed me his ticket book and told me to sign it. As he walked away, he said over his shoulder, "I want you to think about the military. I don't want to see you again!" The ticket was for a minor infraction..only.

I walked in the recruiter's offices. There were some khaki uniforms, white ones, even a black one. Then came blue. Ah what the heck. When they asked what I wanted to be in the Air Force I read the list. How about "Law Enforcement Specialist". There was a six month wait but I was in no hurry.

Was I scared? Apprehensive for sure. What a change this would be from living on my own, be a party animal and doing anything I wanted. But I had made a promise to that CHP officer.

(OK. I had to look this up but I remember most of it after 35 years!)
"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
So help me God."

I felt proud that day. I felt important. That was, until this big guy came up and began to scream in a voice I never thought possible. "My name is Staff Sgt David A. Minter. A name you will remember for the rest of your
lives!!!" Oh he was so right.

Some countries mandate their young people spend time in the military. I rather like that idea. Sure would be a lot less riff-raff if that was the case. While some choose other paths than the military, fortunately for all of us, many still do. Before they enlist, do they know what they are in for?
Most think they do but really don't. DO they think they'll just go somewhere and march around until their time is up? Some do, but not for long.

As I said, serving your country is something I think many more should experience. You learn things there that you don't learn anywhere else.
Sometimes that's good, sometimes not so good. You learn loyalty and discipline, honor and respect. You learn to tell the truth like it is, even when that may not be popular. And maybe most importantly, you learn how important a person's word is, especially when giving yours.

I remember in Basic Training they let us go a couple of days before shaving our heads. The other troops called us "rainbows" because we all looked differently because of our hair. And while we fumbled around trying to learn our right from our left feet, we were passed by "flights" of more experienced recruits whose thunderous footsteps made the ground shake. BY haircut time, we were actually begging for them. Of course that was their plan in the first place.

I remember they asked one troop if he wanted his sideburns. Then said, "Catch them!"

We learned to march. Some used inside toilets for their first time. We learned to accomplish goals. We learned when we could breath and when we dared not. We learned to shoot and fight. We learned how to be a team.

Other country's forces take years to try and become what we do in just 6 short weeks.
Ever wonder why?

Think about being away from home for a year or even much more. Think about missing the birth of your first child. Maybe think about days or weeks without some of the simplest things we take for granted each and every day.
A hot shower maybe? And think about the constant danger, being put in Harm's way.
Think about what we ask of our troops. To endure, sacrifice, commit acts they'd rather not mention, and rarely do. But even more important, think about how they must readjust to our society, our freedoms, our privileges, when they return home. Fortunately, THIS TIME, they return with appropriate respect. Some will adjust more quickly than others. Some won't, but your continued support will help those in need.

You can usually tell a person who has served their country. It's just something about them. Maybe it's the way they walk, open doors for people, or say "Yes Sir" and "Right this way Ma'am" throughout their lives. Maybe it's the way they raise and appreciate their families and friends. Maybe it's the sacrifices that they are so willing to make, if and when the time ever arrives...

Troops! We support you each and every day, but today it's just official. We salute you on this Veteran's Day!!

Sgt James E. Van Dorn (ret)
6510 Security Police Squadron
United States Air Force

p.s. We also learned the Navy brings the Marines who are first to land, the Army carries the battle, but it is the Air Force that can bring our enemy to their knees before you all get there! I think that's the way I remember it anyway. :-)
jvd in BG
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Old 11-11-2010   #2
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: St. Joseph MI - HOR RAF Croughton - Stationed
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Default Re: Veterans Day JVD Style

Welll said Sir, well said.

It's nice to hear from another Security Police (Security Forces now) guy. Let me tell everyone that read this, myself and every other deployed Soldier, Airman, Sailor, and Marine really appreciates the kind words from everyone. The wars been going on for quite a while, and I at least, sometimes feel the American public forgets that we've still got so many deployed in harms way. So thanks to everyone for remembering our past and present veterans on this Veterans Day.

SSgt Sean Fetke
422nd SFS, RAF Croughton UK
(but by way of Balad AB Iraq right now)
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Old 11-11-2010   #3
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Fort Worth, TX
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Default Re: Veterans Day JVD Style

Thanks for that story JVD. I still snap to attention with just the thought of hearing a TI's boots with the "taps" on them. My ten years in the Air Force were truly the best times of my life. The military made me a man, gave me great friends, and paid for my education.

to my fellow Vets.
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Old 11-11-2010   #4
Join Date: Aug 2007
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Default Re: Veterans Day JVD Style

well said...especially the part at the end.

Ohh...and fighter pilots have great stories but bomber crews write history.

I'm not sure what these new RPA pilots do yet though, working on it.
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Old 11-11-2010   #5
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Default Re: Veterans Day JVD Style

usafpilot, weren't you stationed at Robins AFB? I flew B-1s there from 1998 until conversion to JSTARs in 2002.
'90 ZR-1 Red/Red #1239
SGC P/P Plenum/IH, Headers, B & B, Hurst, K & N
"Red RocketShip!"
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